Static 09.04.20
“…gazing through this most wondrous apparatus I am a child again playing at fuzzle cap*. My excitement becomes almost uncontainable as ’tis so joyous to behold the heavens in all their splendour above me and in such fine detail. I wonder at the size of it and all the far points appear like dots upon paper to me.”
Extract: ‘The Diary of William Bull’ May 17th 1797
attrib: William H David’s ‘The Bull Family of London’ pub 1847
*Fuzzle Cap – an 18th century children’s game
NB: Analogue televisions act like sponges for radio energy, they soak up signals and try to make them into an image. These signals come from radio stations, power line emissions and other appliances causing ‘snow’. There is also another source far from this planet in time and space; about 1% mixed within the noise from Earth is cosmic background radiation from The Big Bang.