Four walks addressing the likelihood of remaining in a straight line for ten miles from a single staring point, [bearing left or right as the way presents itself to maintain the same trajectory] returning by the same route and without the aid of a navigational device.
1: 10 miles South and back 30.01.15
2: 10 miles North and back 16.02.15
3: 10 miles West and back 04.02.15
4: 10 miles East and back 12.03.15
“…and so I closed the door behind me and began one of four possible perambulations from the crossroads outside that would lead me to walk some ten miles, or thereabouts, in a straight line and thus in to or away from the great metropolis and once there arrived, return by a similar route…”
Extract: ‘The Diary of William Bull’ March 15th 1793
attrib: William H. David’s ‘The Bull Family of London’ pub. 1847